Monday, May 27, 2013

Who are you Disappearing Act??

First things first...Introductions!! My name is Angela and I live in Cincinnati Ohio, I'm 38 years old with 3 kids and 1 grandchild. My oldest son is Ray and he is 21, my middle son is Antonio and he is 16, and my daughter Alex is 11. I have struggled with my weight all of my life but not in the way that I was obese or addicted to food, it was more in the Khole Kardashin way. I was the tallest girl in school at 5'9 and I'm Latino so I was curvy but by no means fat (I can say that now as an adult but I most def thought I was fat back then) however I went to a school with A LOT of "skinny" girls so I remember being called Thunder Thighs a lot.

So where did my "real" weight issues start?? It was after my 3rd child and my daughter hates every time I say that because somehow she feels responsible but it's the truth I BLEW up with her for some reason. I gained over 100 pounds and struggled for 11 years to get it off. I have yoyo dieted for the last 11 years, I have been obsessed with all things weight loss and for the most part I have been miserable with the way I look. The final straw was when I did the Adipex diet and I lost 40 pounds, I was so happy and I was committed to keeping it off! I wanted to live healthier with my new weight loss so I stopped smoking and the pounds packed on!! Enough was enough, I needed a long term tool that was going to help me get this under walks LapBand so I thought!

I went to the doctor and told him that I wanted the Lapband and he started discussing the Gastric Sleeve with me and peaked my interest so the research began!! I was on Youtube, blogs, forums, doctor websites and pretty much anything I could get my hands on until I was comfortable with having more than half of my stomach removed. My sister had the Gastric Bypass 10 years ago and I had watched her struggle and complications so I knew I didn't want any part of that so the Gastric Sleeve was a great choice for me!

I will document my journey for you and ME! It helped me so much when I was trying to make a decision and I want to be that same help to you! I have also uploaded my first of many videos so I hope that those help you as well. My surgery date is June 14th and I look forward to making this journey with you! Let's go VSG!!!